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The Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, today announced support for the Vietnam Cooperative Enterprise Development project that will help reduce poverty and contribute to equitable economic growth in Vietnam.

The Government of Canada will partner with Société de coopération pour le développement international on this project, providing $12.9 million over five years (2015-2020) to help increase the competitiveness and productivity of Vietnamese agricultural cooperatives.

Activities will include establishing new market-oriented agricultural cooperatives, strengthening the knowledge, skills and competitiveness of Vietnamese farmers, improving cooperative management practices, and developing a policy and regulatory environment that promotes cooperatives. Up to 10,000 farm households in five Vietnamese provinces are expected to benefit from this initiative.


“Canada is very pleased to help the Vietnamese strengthen their agricultural sector, which will contribute to sustainable economic growth and poverty reduction in the country.”
– Rt. Hon. Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada

“Canada is a country with a great deal to offer. Our expertise in agricultural cooperatives will help ensure that Vietnam is able to apply production techniques that are environmentally-friendly and sustainable. This will unlock shared prosperity for families and individuals now and into the future.”
– Rt. Hon. Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada

Quick Facts

  • SOCODEVI is a Canadian not-for-profit international development corporation that has over 13 years of experience working in Vietnam. The corporation is recognized globally for its expertise in agri-food sector development, strengthening cooperatives, and supporting governments to improve the policy and regulatory framework for cooperatives.
  • The capacity-building project will support dairy and fruit cooperatives from production to sales. It aims to improve the Vietnamese cooperative sector’s contribution to gender-equitable economic growth and to the livelihoods of women and men farmers.
  • Canada and Vietnam have strong diplomatic relations that were established in 1973. In September 2014, Canada and Vietnam signed a bilateral letter of intent to deepen collaboration on human rights, people-to-people ties, education, development cooperation, trade and investment, and regional and global security.
  • Canada and Vietnam are increasingly important bilateral partners, with Vietnam being a country of focus for our exports and for development cooperation.
  • Over 220,000 people of Vietnamese origin call Canada home, and there are more Vietnamese students studying in Canada than from any other country in Southeast Asia.

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