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At the 2016 Nuclear Security Summit in Washington, D.C., the Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, announced a contribution of $42 million to improve nuclear and radiological security world-wide. The funds will be allocated as follows:

Preventing the illicit trafficking of nuclear and radiological material: $26.5M towards efforts to further strengthen global capacities to detect and disrupt illicit trafficking activities through strengthening national capacities in partner countries by providing training and equipment (Mexico, Colombia, Jordan, and Peru), as well as providing support to counter-proliferation efforts by key intergovernmental organisations (the International Criminal Police Organization – INTERPOL).

Supporting the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Nuclear Security Fund: $6.6M to help facilitate the implementation of programs to prevent, detect, and respond to nuclear terrorism, including through support for emerging threat areas such as cyber-security at nuclear facilities, coordinated research projects, and support for Nuclear Security Support Centres and material outside of regulatory control, as highlighted in the Nuclear Security Summit Action Plan in support of the IAEA.

Enhancing the physical security of nuclear facilities: $5.7M to continue efforts to support partner countries to refurbish and upgrade security measures and train relevant staff at national nuclear facilities (Thailand, Ukraine, and Egypt through the IAEA Nuclear Security Fund).

Promoting security of radioactive sources: $2.3M to help remove disused high activity sealed radioactive sources – primarily in the Americas – which builds upon longstanding efforts to secure and decommission radiological sources.

Improving transportation security: $1M for projects with the United States Department of State to improve international transportation security.

Supporting multilateral initiatives: A total of $100,000 for in-kind technical expertise to the IAEA and for nuclear forensics with the Global Initiative to Combat Nuclear Terrorism

Canada’s Global Partnership Program

Canada’s Global Partnership Program (GPP) is the main funding mechanism by which Canada supports concrete projects to combat and reduce the threat of chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear (CBRN) proliferation and terrorism.

Since 2002, Canada’s GPP has provided close to $1.2B for concrete programming in the areas of CBRN security, implementation of UN Security Council Resolution 1540, and chemical weapons destruction. More than $300M has been invested since 2002 on GPP projects to enhance nuclear and radiological security world-wide.

Previously, Canada also contributed $8M to remove all fissile material from Vietnam and Mexico. Canada has also supported efforts by the IAEA, the United States, and Jamaica to convert the core of the Canadian-supplied Safe Low-Power Critical Experiment (SLOWPOKE) research reactor in Jamaica from highly enriched uranium to low enriched uranium.