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Yesterday, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau spoke with the Mayor of Jasper, Richard Ireland, to discuss evacuations in Jasper and the rapidly changing wildfire situation.

The Prime Minister highlighted the important work being delivered by the Government Operations Centre and Parks Canada, which are working closely with federal and provincial partners to co-ordinate the response to the wildfire situation in Alberta and mobilize all necessary federal resources to assist those who have been impacted. This includes the constant flow of information and communication between governments and agencies and the immediate deployment of Canadian Armed Forces resources, which will provide evacuation support, wildfire support, and the co-ordination of firefighting and airlift assistance.

The Prime Minister and the Mayor expressed their gratitude for the courage of the first responders working tirelessly to protect the residents of Jasper, their homes and businesses, and the many visitors to the area. The Prime Minister also shared his appreciation for members of neighbouring communities who have opened their homes to evacuees.

Prime Minister Trudeau and Mayor Ireland committed to staying in regular contact as they work with all partners to address this evolving situation. The Prime Minister thanked the Mayor for his leadership during this incredibly difficult time.

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