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The Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, today issued the following statement on Saint-Jean-Baptiste Day:

“Today, we join Francophones, Francophiles, and all those celebrating Saint-Jean-Baptiste Day to highlight the tremendous contributions made by Francophones from coast to coast to coast.

“Francophone culture has been an integral part of our Canadian culture for centuries. From Coquitlam, British Columbia, all the way to Moncton, New Brunswick, Francophone communities make Canada richer, more vibrant, and inclusive. That is why the Government of Canada has committed not only to protecting our beautiful French language, but also to promoting it across the country.

“Last year, Canada welcomed the largest number of Francophone newcomers in close to 20 years, and many of them have chosen to settle in Francophone minority communities – a testament to the vitality of French in Canada and the need to continue promoting it. That is why, this year, we introduced the Action Plan for Official Languages 2023-2028 and modernized the Official Languages Act. The legislation passed this week will support key sectors for the vitality of French-speaking minority communities across the country, particularly in the areas of education, health, culture, and justice.

“On behalf of the Government of Canada, Sophie and I wish a happy Saint-Jean-Baptiste Day to everyone celebrating. I encourage all Canadians to take part in the activities happening in their communities and to learn more about the invaluable contributions of Francophones to the cultural fabric and history of our country.”