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The Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, today issued the following statement on National Seniors Day:

“Seniors built this country. As leaders in local communities. As trailblazers in sport and science. As role models for younger generations. They embody Canada’s promise, potential, and prosperity. And our government is making sure they can age with dignity.

“We increased Old Age Security payments for seniors when they turn 75. We raised the Guaranteed Income Supplement by up to $947 annually for single, low-income seniors. We enhanced the Canada Pension Plan.

“We are investing close to $200 billion to improve health care across the country, which includes expanding access to primary care, long-term care, home care, and family help services. We introduced legislation that will make insulin and other diabetes medications completely free. And because of our Canadian Dental Care Plan, three quarters of a million Canadians, including seniors, have got the dental care they need.

“There’s so much more to do. We need to keep expanding dental care. We need to pass pharmacare. We need to protect pensions.

“Seniors have been fighting to make Canada better for decades. They took out loans to create the family-owned businesses that still thrive today. They worked multiple jobs so their kids could get the best start in life. They answered the call to serve and defend the freedoms we enjoy today. They struggled and succeeded – but never stopped believing in Canada’s potential. That’s the legacy we stand on and that’s why we give back to support seniors.

“On National Seniors Day, we recommit to helping them age in good health and with dignity – because a fairer future for every generation includes seniors.”