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The Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, today issued the following statement on Eid al-Fitr:

“Tonight at sunset, Muslims in Canada and around the world will celebrate Eid al-Fitr and mark the end of the holy month of Ramadan.

“This past month has been a time of prayer, reflection, and sacrifice. In Canada, this day would usually be a time for family and loved ones to join together to attend special morning prayers, share meals, and show compassion and generosity to others through charity. This year, many Eid traditions will once again look different as we continue to fight the global COVID-19 pandemic and find alternative ways to celebrate while keeping each other and our communities safe.

“In these difficult times, Muslim communities in Canada have put the values at the heart of Islam - gratitude, compassion, and generosity - into practice by supporting local charities, providing assistance to seniors in isolation, and delivering meals to those in need. Today, I invite all Canadians to take time to recognize the many contributions Canada’s Muslim communities have made – and continue to make – to our country.

“On behalf of our family, Sophie and I offer our heartfelt wishes for health and happiness to all those celebrating Eid al-Fitr. 

“Eid Mubarak!”