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The G7 Summit is an important opportunity to take concerted action on the world’s most pressing challenges, including ending COVID-19, fighting climate change, and building a recovery that benefits everyone, creates jobs, and grows the middle class. Canada is announcing the following investments in support of key areas of attention at the G7 Summit in Cornwall, United Kingdom.

Vaccine Dose Sharing

Canada’s vaccine supply is steadily increasing and Canadians are benefiting from a successful vaccine procurement and deployment strategy. Canada is now among the leading countries in percentage of population having received a first vaccine dose.

Canada has been a leader in supporting the international response to COVID-19 – we have contributed more than $2.5 billion in international assistance, including $1.3 billion for the ACT-Accelerator to support equitable access to vaccines, tests, and treatments. Canada is also one four countries that stepped up to meet their assessed share to the ACT-Accelerator.

Together, G7 leaders announced a collective commitment of more than 2 billion doses to be shared with the world, and Canada’s portion of that is 100 million. Canada’s $1.3 billion contribution to the ACT-Accelerator has helped provide 87 million vaccine doses to developing countries. We are also donating 13 million doses, procured by Canada, to other countries through COVAX. We will have more details as our vaccine procurement process identifies more doses that can be shared with the world.

The more doses administered around the world, the sooner we can end this pandemic.

Support for International Climate Finance

The Government of Canada is doubling its previous commitment to international climate finance to $5.3 billion over five years, which includes increased funds for adaptation and biodiversity. The Government of Canada also increased its grant contributions of climate financing up to 40 per cent, from 30 per cent previously.

Canada’s increased commitment to climate finance recognizes that urgent action is needed to address the interconnected crises of climate change and biodiversity loss, which disproportionally affect the poorest and most vulnerable. Funding will support developing countries in cutting pollution and building climate resilience.

Canada has fully delivered on its 2015 commitment to provide $2.65 billion over five years to support this effort. To date, the programs and projects supported under this previous commitment are expected to reduce or prevent greenhouse gas emissions by over 222 megatonnes – the equivalent of removing about 47 million cars from the roads for one year – helped at least 5.9 million people adapt to the effects of climate change, and mobilized important climate finance contributions from the private sector.

Climate change and biodiversity loss know no borders and Canada’s new contribution to international climate finance, together with ambitious commitments and actions taken at home, will help ensure 2021 is a transformative year for the planet.

Support for Global Partnership for Education

Canada is announcing $300 million over five years in funding to the Global Partnership for Education (GPE). Canada is a longstanding member of the GPE, the world’s largest multi-stakeholder partnership and fund dedicated to improving education in the world’s poorest countries.

This new commitment reflects Canadians’ belief in the power of education to transform lives and livelihoods. The GPE is an effective and efficient way through which Canada can support education in developing countries. Canada’s support for the GPE contributes to advancing our education priorities in a broad range of countries, beyond those where Canada has bilateral education programming.

The GPE aims to mobilize key partners at the global and national levels to achieve equitable and quality education for all. The GPE provides targeted support to countries where the need for capacity building is greater in order to ensure sustainable results. Over the past two decades, the GPE has contributed to significantly advancing access to quality education and learning for children worldwide.

In February 2021, Canada launched a global campaign, Together for Learning, to address the education crisis of refugees and internally displaced children and youth. This included the creation of a Refugee Education Council, hosted by World Vision Canada, and in partnership with the Canadian International Education Policy Working Group.

During its G7 presidency in 2018, Canada mobilized an historic investment of nearly $3.8 billion during the G7 Summit in Charlevoix, which included a commitment of $400 million by Canada for education for women and girls in crisis and conflict situations.

Canada remains committed to ensuring that at least 10 per cent of its international bilateral assistance goes to education and key partners like the GPE.

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