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Good afternoon, everyone.

I want to begin by thanking Prime Minister Johnson for his warm welcome and congratulate him on a successful Summit.

The G7 represents not only many of Canada’s strongest allies, but our closest friends.

And as our world faces the task of rebuilding from this once-in-a-century crisis, I cannot think of a better moment to meet.

In the last three days, I’ve had the chance to meet with all the leaders of the G7, which includes President Biden, with whom I talked about coordinating measures at our borders as both of our countries move ahead with mass vaccination. We also touched on global issues, and bilateral issues such as jobs, climate change, and trade.

I also sat down with Chancellor Merkel in her last G7, to discuss how we can continue to work together on shared priorities, whether that’s beating COVID-19 or fighting climate change.

I met as well with all of the other leaders, and I had a virtual audience with Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II before our meeting in person.

This Summit has been an important opportunity for all of us to strengthen our bonds as friends and allies.

Together, we have continued charting a shared path forward that works for all our citizens – including of course women, families, the middle class, young people, and small businesses.

And right now, that brighter future starts with beating COVID-19 for good.

In Canada, we have seen how safe, effective vaccines are the way out of this crisis. Protecting Canadians will always be my top priority, and with our current delivery schedule through the summer, we are well on track at home to defeat this virus.

However, to truly beat COVID-19 anywhere, we have to beat it everywhere.

That’s something we’ve understood right from the start of this pandemic.

That’s why Canada has, to date, contributed $2.5 billion to help address this crisis globally.

We are one of only four countries that has already paid our fair share to the ACT-Accelerator, which supports global access to vaccines, tests, and treatments.

But this pandemic isn’t over yet.

So through the G7, we’re stepping up once again.

Today, the G7 announced that our collective commitments will result in over 2 billion doses being shared with the rest of the world.

Canada’s portion is 100 million doses.

To break that down, Canada’s funding to the ACT-Accelerator is helping 87 million doses be provided to developing countries.

In addition, we’re donating 13 million doses procured by Canada to other countries through COVAX.

We will also have more to say in the coming weeks as our vaccine procurement process identifies even more doses that can be shared with the world.

At the end of the day, what’s important isn’t how we get doses out to people.

What matters is that each vaccine keeps someone safe – someone’s grandmother, father, or daughter.

That’s what counts.

And to Canadians, I want to be clear.

This global commitment on vaccines is in addition to and in parallel with our vaccine rollout at home. We have millions of doses being delivered into the country each week, and every day more and more people get their first and second shots.

Over the course of this year’s Summit, we also had the chance to move the dial on another key challenge for our shared future – climate change.

G7 countries represent some of the world’s leading economies.

Real progress means real action from everyone in this group.

As Canadians, that’s something we take to heart.

Canada has committed to reaching net-zero emissions by 2050 – and we have a solid plan to get there. I think of our world-leading price on pollution and investments in green jobs and support for workers. And this week, we took another step forward.

We’ve made it clear that new thermal coal mining doesn’t align with our path to a strong, resilient Canadian economy and clean air for generations to come.

Of course, pollution knows no borders. So Canada cannot fight alone against climate change.

That’s why I was encouraged to see G7 leaders collectively committing to further cut pollution and to end new direct government financing for coal power abroad by the end of 2021, both of which Canada has already done.

I also welcome the adoption of the G7 Nature Compact, which will see the G7 join Canada in protecting 30 per cent of land and 30 per cent of oceans by 2030, helping stop and reverse biodiversity loss.

For our part, Canada will continue to step up.

To support developing countries in doing their part for the climate, Canada will double our climate finance commitment to $5.3 billion over the next five years, helping communities around the world fight and adapt to climate change.

We’re also making sure more of those funds tackle biodiversity loss and adaptation, and that more money stays in communities by expanding direct grants.

Canada has consistently led on climate action – and we’re doubling down on our commitment to clean air, middle class jobs, and a sustainable future.

As leaders of the G7, we not only have the responsibility to ensure our own citizens are safe and have good jobs and a bright future; we have the power to help make this a reality for people around the world.

No matter where she lives, every girl should be able to pick up a backpack and go to school.

Every woman should have the tools to lift herself and her community up.

That’s the kind of world we must rebuild.

That’s why Canada has invested $300 million in the Global Partnership for Education to support girls’ education in developing countries.

This is work we started in 2018, when Canada hosted the G7 Summit in Charlevoix and put gender equality at the heart of everything we did.

At this year’s Summit, we’ve stepped up once again.

On a whole range of challenges we face, from gender equality to climate change to this pandemic, collaboration is the only way forward.

When we stand united through institutions like the G7, we send the message that the world’s democracies will work together to meet the challenges we face and defend the values we hold dear.

Together, we must continue to strengthen respect for international law and defend people who face persecution and suffering abroad.

I want to thank all of our partners who have supported Canada in condemning the arbitrary detention of Michael Spavor and Michael Kovrig and joined us in calling for their immediate release, as well as reaffirming the G7’s shared commitment to our initiative condemning arbitrary detentions around the world.

At this meeting, Canada led the way on a common approach to addressing the challenges posed by China.

As partners, we must stand strong and united.

And at this weekend’s Summit, we agreed to the action needed to do just that.

There is lots of work ahead to rebuild a stronger, fairer, more sustainable future.

Together, I know we are up to the task.

Thank you.