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Today, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau spoke with the President of the United States of America, Joe Biden.

The Prime Minister and President discussed the importance of physical and human infrastructure investments being made to build back better from the COVID-19 pandemic and address its disproportionate impact on women, including by prioritizing supports for child care and education. They looked forward to working closely together for the benefit of people and jobs on both sides of the border. The Prime Minister highlighted the significant alignment between labour and environmental standards in both countries and the benefits to each country of open government procurement.

The Prime Minister highlighted the importance of Line 5 for Canada’s energy security and reiterated Canada’s support for a negotiated settlement between Enbridge and the State of Michigan. The Prime Minister and President agreed to continue to monitor developments closely.

The Prime Minister and the President discussed China’s arbitrary detention of Canadian citizens Michael Spavor and Michael Kovrig. The leaders agreed on the need for their immediate release.

The Prime Minister and President discussed COVID-19 and agreed to continue close collaboration in the management of the Canada-U.S. land border.

Canada and the U.S. will work together to further strengthen bilateral cooperation on wildfires, including by developing proposals to increase and share firefighting resources.

The two leaders also discussed the upcoming COP26 summit, and they looked forward to working closely together to strengthen bilateral trade and collaborating as friends and allies on global challenges such as fighting climate change and promoting international security.

The Prime Minister and President discussed the Olympic Games, including yesterday’s win by the Canadian women’s soccer team.

The two leaders agreed to stay in touch over the coming days and weeks.

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