Itinerary for the Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, for Thursday, September 15, 2016:
Montréal, Quebec
9:00 a.m. The Prime Minister will hold a bilateral meeting with Thomas E. Perez, Secretary of Labour of the United States of America.
Ritz-Carlton Montréal
Grey Room, 2nd Floor Mezzanine
1228 Rue Sherbrooke
Montréal, Quebec
Notes for media:
- Pooled photo opportunity
- Media to arrive no later than 8:00 a.m. to participate in events on itinerary. Media sweep will occur on the second floor lounge by the elevator bank.
9:30 a.m. The Prime Minister will hold a bilateral meeting with Mr. Sadiq Khan, Mayor of London.
Ritz-Carlton Montréal
Grey Room, 2nd Floor Mezzanine
1228 Rue Sherbrooke
Montréal, Quebec
Note for media:
- Pooled photo opportunity
10:00 a.m. The Prime Minister will take part in an armchair discussion with Mr. Sadiq Khan, Mayor of London.
Ritz-Carlton Montréal
Oval Room, Ground Floor
1228 Rue Sherbrooke
Montréal, Quebec
Note for media:
- Open media coverage
2:00 p.m. The Prime Minister will hold a bilateral meeting with His Excellency Sigmar Gabriel, Minister of Economic Affairs and Energy and Vice Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany.
Ritz-Carlton Montréal
Carlton Room, 3rd Floor
1228 Rue Sherbrooke
Montréal, Quebec
Note for media:
- Pooled photo opportunity
2:20 p.m. The Prime Minister will hold a bilateral meeting with Mr. Eric Schmidt, Executive Chairman of Alphabet Inc.
Ritz-Carlton Montréal
Carlton Room, 3rd Floor
1228 Rue Sherbrooke
Montréal, Quebec
Note for media:
- Pooled photo opportunity
PMO Media Relations: