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Canada and the European Union (EU) are moving forward with the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA), a modern, progressive trade agreement that will reduce barriers to trade and bring closer economic ties between Canada and the EU. For Canada, free and open trade with the EU, which is the second largest market in the world, means more growth, more jobs, a more robust economy, and a stronger middle class.

Both Canada and the EU are committed to the timely ratification and implementation of CETA so that Canadians and Europeans alike can take advantage of its benefits as soon as possible. 

After today’s landmark signing ceremony in Brussels, the Government of Canada will introduce implementing legislation for CETA as soon as possible in the House of Commons. In the EU, the European Parliament will vote on CETA’s ratification, which will be followed by ratification in the national parliaments of EU Member States.

With CETA, Canada and the EU have also demonstrated that a progressive approach to trade is possible – one that enhances economic opportunities while maintaining our commitment to shared values like sustainable development and public services.