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The Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, with Their Excellencies the Right Honourable Mary Simon, Governor General of Canada, and Mr. Whit Fraser, today attended the Coronation of Canada’s new Monarch, His Majesty King Charles III, in London, United Kingdom. Prime Minister Trudeau was accompanied by Sophie Grégoire Trudeau. They were joined by a delegation of Indigenous leaders, young Canadians, and other notable Canadians.

To mark the Coronation, and in recognition of His Majesty’s longstanding commitment to environmental protection and conservation, Prime Minister Trudeau announced that the Government of Canada will donate $100,000 to the Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC). The NCC is Canada’s leading land conservation organization and works to protect our lands and fresh waters across the country, and often works in close partnership with Indigenous Peoples toward these shared priorities.

At the Coronation celebratory event in Ottawa later today, the Government of Canada will unveil a new Royal Crown, Royal Flag, Canadian stamp, and collector coins in honour of His Majesty’s Coronation.

  • The new Canadian Royal Crown incorporates uniquely Canadian elements, including stylized maple leaves and a wavy blue line representing the country’s lands and waterways. The design also includes a nod to Indigenous teachings about the importance and connection to water and to the land. The Crown was created by the Canadian Heraldic Authority as a symbol of the Canadian monarchy and was approved by His Majesty the King.
  • The new flag of the Sovereign was also recently approved by King Charles III. It is a rectangular representation of the shield of the coat of arms of Canada, featuring maple leaves and royal emblems of the United Kingdom and France. The flag emphasizes that the Royal Arms of Canada are also the arms of the monarch of Canada and will serve for all future sovereigns. The flag was created by the Canadian Heraldic Authority.
  • The first definitive stamp issued in Canada honouring King Charles III will be revealed by Canada Post, continuing the tradition of issuing stamps featuring Canadian monarchs that spans 170 years. The new stamp features a portrait of the then Prince of Wales, taken by photographer Alan Shawcross.
  • Special collector coins will be released today from the Royal Canadian Mint in celebration of His Majesty’s Coronation, which features His Majesty’s Royal Cypher as the symbol to commemorate this historic moment.

The government has also tasked the Royal Canadian Mint to design and place an effigy of His Majesty King Charles III on Canadian circulation coins. An effigy of the reigning monarch has appeared on Canadian coins since the Mint started production in 1908.

Today, the government confirmed with the Bank of Canada that the late Queen Elizabeth II’s portrait on the $20 bank note will be replaced by that of His Majesty King Charles III during the next design process. The reigning monarch has appeared on Canadian bank notes since the Bank of Canada began production in 1935.

The Commonwealth is now headed by His Majesty King Charles III. Member countries will continue to work together to advance shared values of democracy, peace, and prosperity. They collaborate to make life better for people and advocate for the representation of small and vulnerable nations on the global stage. The Commonwealth has made strides in promoting democratic governance, environmental protection, education, and sustainable development.

While in London, Prime Minister Trudeau will meet with several other leaders – including the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, Rishi Sunak, the Prime Minister of New Zealand, Chris Hipkins, and the President of Ghana, Nana Akufo-Addo – before returning to Ottawa on Sunday, May 7, 2023.


“Today, we ring in the reign of His Majesty King Charles III and reaffirm Canada’s enduring commitment to the Commonwealth. As we celebrate this momentous occasion, let us be reminded of our shared values of inclusivity, diversity, and respect for human rights as we work together to build a better future for all members of the Commonwealth.”

The Rt. Hon. Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada

Quick Facts

  • Canada is a constitutional monarchy, and The King is Canada’s Head of State.
  • His Majesty King Charles III acceded to the Throne on September 8, 2022, following the passing of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.
  • As part of the trip, leaders from the Assembly of First Nations, Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami, and Métis National Council had the opportunity to hold a private audience with The King, along with Governor General Mary Simon, providing a positive opportunity to strengthen and renew ties between Indigenous Nations and the Crown.
  • The Government of Canada intends to award 30,000 Coronation medals to Canadians who have made a significant contribution to Canada, a province, territory, region or community, or an achievement abroad that brings benefit or honour to Canadians or Canada.
  • Existing coins and $20 notes bearing the late Queen Elizabeth II’s portrait will remain legal tender. Canadians will be able to see the design of the new effigy for circulation coins in the coming months. The process for updating the $20 bill is expected to take a few years.

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