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Canada stands shoulder-to-shoulder with Ukraine as it defends itself in the face of Russia’s war of aggression, and we will continue to support the Ukrainian people for as long as it takes.

Today, at the G7 Summit in Hiroshima, Japan, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau reiterated that Canada condemns Russia’s brutal and unjustifiable war of aggression against Ukraine, its targeting of civilians, forcible deportation of children, seizure and exploitation of nuclear facilities in Ukraine, and use of nuclear rhetoric.

At the Summit, the Prime Minister announced that Canada is imposing new sanctions under the Special Economic Measures (Russia) Regulations. Building on the Government of Canada’s already extensive sanctions regime, this includes:

  • sanctions on 17 individuals and 18 entities linked to Russian companies that provide military technology and know-how to Russia’s armed forces, family members of listed persons, and members of the Kremlin elite; and
  • sanctions on 30 individuals and 8 entities involved in Russia’s ongoing human rights violations, including the transfer and custody of Ukrainian children in Russia.

The Prime Minister made this announcement on the opening day of the Summit, where G7 Leaders discussed the ongoing global impacts of Russia’s war and Ukraine’s immediate military and financing needs as well as longer-term challenges related to its reconstruction and economic recovery. G7 Leaders issued a statement reiterating their collective support for Ukraine.

On their first day in Hiroshima, G7 Leaders also issued the Hiroshima Vision on Nuclear Disarmament, in which they condemned Russia’s reckless nuclear rhetoric and underscored the importance of maintaining the 77-year record of non-use of nuclear weapons. Together with our G7 partners, Canada is steadfast in its determination to advance global nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation.

To address threats posed by North Korea’s weapons of mass destruction (WMD) programs, Prime Minister Trudeau announced a total of $15 million for five projects that will help ensure that the international community is better able to identify, investigate, and respond to North Korea’s WMD activities, including sanctions evasion. These projects will provide credible, publicly available information about North Korea’s capabilities to produce weapons and materials of mass destruction.

Continuing Canada’s leadership role as a key funder of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Prime Minister Trudeau announced an additional $4 million to the IAEA to continue verification and monitoring of Iran’s nuclear commitments. This new funding will help ensure the international community is able to track Iranian activities and maintain strong verification capacity until monitoring activities can resume in-country. The Prime Minister also highlighted Canada’s recent contribution of $2 million for the IAEA’s efforts to support the safety, security, and safeguards of the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant and other nuclear facilities in Ukraine.

Canada stands with the G7, more united than ever, ready to work with all willing partners to defend a peaceful and prosperous international order based on the rule of law. We will always oppose any attempts to change the status quo by force.


“Russia’s brutal and unjustifiable invasion has caused immeasurable pain and suffering in Ukraine and all over the world – from loss of life and home to food and energy insecurity. Putin’s reckless nuclear rhetoric threatens us all. Our message from Hiroshima is clear: G7 partners will continue to apply pressure on Russia to end its war of choice, and we will not be intimidated by nuclear rhetoric as we continue our pursuit of a more peaceful, stable, and secure future for everyone.”

The Rt. Hon. Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada

Quick Facts

  • Since Russia’s occupation and attempted illegal annexation of Crimea in 2014, Canada has imposed sanctions on more than 2,500 individuals and entities in Russia, Belarus, and Ukraine. Many of these sanctions have been undertaken in coordination with Canada’s allies and partners.
  • Since January 2022, Canada has committed more than $8 billion in funding for financial, military, humanitarian, development, and immigration assistance to Ukraine. This funding includes:
    • Over $5 billion in financial assistance;
    • Over $1 billion in military support;
    • Over $1 billion to implement special immigration measures;
    • $352.5 million in humanitarian assistance;
    • $127 million in development assistance; and
    • Over $102 million in security and stabilization assistance.
  • Canada’s international assistance for nuclear security and WMD non-proliferation is mainly delivered through the Weapons Threat Reduction Program, our flagship contribution to the G7-led Global Partnership Against the Spread of Weapons and Materials of Mass Destruction.
  • Since the program’s establishment in 2002, Canada has delivered nearly $1.6 billion in concrete projects to address chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear proliferation threats globally, with particular emphasis on the Middle East, Southeast Asia, Africa, and the countries of the former Soviet Union.
  • The IAEA relies on extra-budgetary contributions to carry out its mandate to independently monitor and verify Iran’s nuclear compliance. Canada’s additional funding will be used through 2025 to support travel and training of inspectors, satellite imagery analysis, and hiring of additional experts for the Agency.
  • Since 2014, Canada has provided $17 million in extra-budgetary funding for the IAEA’s monitoring and verification work on Iran. This latest contribution will bring that total to $21 million.

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