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The Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, today announced the appointment of Adeline Webber as the next Commissioner of Yukon for a term of five years.

Born and raised in Whitehorse, Yukon, Adeline Webber is a proud member of the Teslin Tlingit Nation. Throughout her life, she has worked tirelessly for the recognition and acknowledgement of the rights of Indigenous Peoples, particularly women, in the territory. She has also played an important role in the implementation of land claims and First Nation self-government agreements in Yukon.

After spending most of her career in the federal public service, including as the Yukon District Director for the Public Service Commission of Canada, Ms. Webber was appointed as the Administrator of the territory in 2018, and reappointed to this role in 2021.

The Prime Minister took the opportunity to recognize the Honourable Angélique Bernard, whose term as Commissioner ends May 31, for her exceptional service to Yukoners.


“I congratulate Adeline Webber on her appointment as the next Commissioner of Yukon. Ms. Webber has a remarkable understanding of the unique needs of Indigenous Peoples and all Yukoners, and I am confident that she will continue to serve them well in her new role.”

The Rt. Hon. Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada

Quick Facts

  • Territorial Commissioners and Administrators are Governor in Council appointments.
  • Territorial Commissioners fulfill many of the same duties as the Lieutenant Governor of a province. Their responsibilities include swearing in Members of the Legislative Assembly and Members of the Executive Council, opening the Legislative Assembly, and providing assent for legislation passed by the Assembly.
  • Territorial Administrators act in the place of the Commissioner if the Commissioner is unable to fulfill his or her duties during an absence or illness or other situation, or when the office is vacant.

Biographical Note

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