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Website Feedback

Having technical issues with the website? Have you not received your birthday or anniversary greeting in time? Are you having problems subscribing to our email updates?

You may use the form below to contact us about technical issues related to this website. Please understand that due to the volume received our responses may be delayed. Please note that messages that constitute criminal harassment, contain criminal threats or promote criminally hateful speech may be shared with the police of jurisdiction.

* Mandatory fields.

Having technical issues with the website? Have you not received your birthday or anniversary greeting in time? Are you having problems subscribing to our email updates?

You may use the form below to contact us about technical issues related to this website. Please understand that due to the volume received our responses may be delayed. Please note that messages that constitute criminal harassment, contain criminal threats or promote criminally hateful speech may be shared with the police of jurisdiction.

* Mandatory fields.


The collection and use of personal information by this site is in accordance with the federal Privacy Act, which states that you have the right to access your personal information and request changes to incorrect information. The personal information will be used to respond to your inquiry as described in the Personal Information Bank PSU 902, "Executive Correspondence" which is posted at Information may be disclosed without your consent for purposes not outlined here according to subsection 8(2) of the Privacy Act.