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Prime Minister welcomes appointment of new Auditor General

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The Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, today welcomed the appointment of Karen Hogan as Canada’s new Auditor General. This appointment is effective June 8, 2020.

The Prime Minister also expressed his gratitude to Sylvain Ricard, who has been serving as Interim Auditor General since March 2019, for his contributions to the Office of the Auditor General of Canada.

The Office of the Auditor General of Canada provides Parliament with impartial, fact-based information, and expert advice on government programs and activities, gathered through audits. The Auditor General’s responsibilities include auditing operations of the federal and territorial governments, and providing Parliament and the legislative assemblies of the territories with independent information, assurance, and advice regarding the stewardship of public funds.

Fully bilingual, Ms. Hogan was chosen as the nominee for this position through the government’s open, transparent, and merit-based appointment process. She is the second woman of the 15 permanent Auditors General who have been appointed since 1867.

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