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Today, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau spoke with the Prime Minister of Armenia, Nikol Pashinyan.

Prime Minister Trudeau strongly condemned the unlawful use of force and aggression by Russia against the territorial integrity, sovereignty, and independence of Ukraine. The leaders discussed the impacts of conflict across the region, including humanitarian and economic disruption and increased security concerns. They expressed support for stability and enduring peace in Nagorno-Karabakh.

Prime Minister Trudeau thanked Prime Minister Pashinyan for receiving Canada’s Ambassador to Germany and Special Envoy to the European Union and Europe, Stéphane Dion, during his recent visit to Armenia. The two prime ministers highlighted the 30th anniversary of diplomatic relations between their two countries, and agreed to continue working together on advancing shared priorities, including the promotion of democratic values, human rights, and the rules-based international system.

The leaders reaffirmed their commitment to the strong cooperation between Canada and Armenia.

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