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Today, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau met with the Premier of Manitoba, Wab Kinew, to discuss shared goals and advancing key initiatives.

The Prime Minister and the Premier spoke about housing and infrastructure priorities, and economic development projects to grow Manitoba’s economy and create jobs for people in the province. 

The leaders discussed joint efforts to meaningfully address the crisis of missing and murdered Indigenous women and girls, including the search of the Prairie Green landfill, and justice for families and survivors. 

The leaders discussed their shared priority of improving access to necessary medications for Canadians, and the Prime Minister acknowledged the Government of Manitoba’s recent announcement of universal contraceptive coverage, beginning on October 1, 2024. They also discussed the National School Food Program and looked forward to reaching a bilateral agreement to provide more healthy meals to kids in Manitoba and ensure they have the best start in life.

Prime Minister Trudeau and Premier Kinew committed to continue working together on these priorities and other important issues.

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