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Today, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau spoke with the President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, about the Russian military build-up on Ukraine’s borders.

The two leaders shared their concerns over Russia’s aggressive and destabilizing actions in and around Ukraine, and stressed the importance of a diplomatic resolution to the current tensions. They noted their shared commitment to the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine.

The Prime Minister and President noted the strength and unity of transatlantic ties, and emphasized the importance of continued coordination and dialogue among allies and partners. The two leaders emphasized that any further military incursion into Ukraine would have severe costs and consequences, including through coordinated economic sanctions. They agreed on the importance of strengthening the economic resilience of European allies and partners.

Prime Minister Trudeau and President von der Leyen agreed on the importance of increased cooperation to address ongoing human rights issues in Afghanistan, which are overwhelmingly affecting women and girls. The two leaders shared their appreciation of the strong Canada-European Union cooperation, and indicated looking forward to the holding of the next Canada-EU Summit that will be hosted in Canada.

Prime Minister Trudeau and President von der Leyen agreed to continue coordinating closely.

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