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Canada announced the following investments in New York City, United States of America, at the United Nations General Assembly.

The investments aim to improve international climate financing, protect our oceans, advance stability and sustainable development in Haiti, make progress on the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda, and strengthen United Nations programming.

Climate financing

Project: Partnering for Climate Initiative: Nature-Based Climate Adaptation in the Guinean Forests of West Africa
Partner: World University Service of Canada (WUSC) and Center for International Studies and Cooperation (CECI)
Funding: $25 million
Countries: Ghana, Guinea, Côte d'Ivoire
This Partnering for Climate project aims to enhance the adoption of gender responsive and inclusive nature-based solutions for climate change adaptation in the Guinean forests of West Africa, specifically in Côte d’Ivoire, Ghana, and Guinea by improving women’s leadership in planning processes. This project will benefit biodiversity by increasing the restoration of degraded forests and key habitats, and it will increase gender-responsive investments with income potential for women. The project engages with a wide range of stakeholders to develop local and regional capacity to use evidence and integrate women and marginalized groups to prioritize locally relevant nature-based solutions to climate change adaptation.

Project: Partnering for Climate Initiative: Locally-led Indigenous Nature-Based Solutions for Climate Change Adaptation in Zimbabwe (LINCZ)
Partner: Mennonite Central Committee
Funding:  Up to $15 million
Countries: Zimbabwe
This Partnering for Climate project will lead to increased adoption of Indigenous-led and gender-responsive nature-based solutions for climate change adaptation. The project aims to reduce vulnerability and increase biodiversity within terrestrial ecosystems; and enhance Indigenous-led, nature-positive, conflict-sensitive and climate resilient livelihood opportunities, particularly for women and girls, through sustainable use of biodiversity in the Mwenezi, Binga, and Gwanda districts.

Project: Partnering for Climate Initiative: Scaling Urban-Nature-Based Solutions for Climate Adaptation in Sub-Saharan Africa (SUNCASA)
Partner: International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD)
Funding: Up to $28.7 million
Countries: Ethiopia, Rwanda, South Africa
This Partnering for Climate project seeks to achieve enhanced community demand for gender-responsive nature-based solutions for climate adaptation through watershed conservation and restoration; increased adoption of gender-responsive nature-based solutions using watershed conservation and restoration practices to support flood control, upstream and downstream water security, gender equality and biodiversity protection; and enhanced inclusive and gender-responsive governance for the implementation of nature-based solutions for climate adaptation by municipal officials and local stakeholders in urban communities.

Project: Partnering for Climate Initiative: Climate Change Adaptation for Women in Protected Areas of Congo and Chad (ELLESadAPt)
Partner: Développement international Desjardins and BAASTEL
Funding: Up to $21 million
Countries: Congo and Chad
This Partnering for Climate project aims to enhance the conservation of biodiversity and ecosystems services in protected areas through nature-based solutions. It will strengthen women's ability to manage natural resources; enhance the adoption by women of productive nature-based solutions with biodiversity co-benefits; and enhance the adoption of gender-sensitive and climate-resilient management plans for protected areas.

Project: Support to the Great Green Wall in Senegal for the resilience of communities and ecosystems
Partner: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Funding: $25 million
Countries: Senegal
This project is a key initiative of the climate finance commitment and supports a flagship initiative of the African Union. The project aims to strengthen the resilience of ecosystems and vulnerable populations, especially women and youth, in the regions bordering the Great Green Wall in Senegal. This will be done through climate change reforestation, natured-based solutions, climate resilient agriculture, inclusive climate governance, and advocacy.

Project: Resilience of ecosystems and women's leadership in the Sahel (REELS)
Partner: Center for International Studies and Cooperation (CECI)
Funding: $30.25 million
Countries: Mali, Niger, and Burkina Faso
The REELS project aims to adopt a regional approach to reduce the vulnerability and improve the resilience of women and local communities in the Liptako-Gourma region while fully taking into account the delicate security and stability context in which it will operate. The objectives are as follows: increasing the use of nature-based solutions to climate change under the leadership of women in community development processes; increasing women-led, locally adapted nature-based solutions for conservation, restoration and sustainable use of ecosystems; and improving economic, social and cultural environment for women to increase their influence in local, regional and national decision-making processes.

Project: Strengthening Investments in Gender-Responsive Climate Adaptation (SIGRA)
Partner: Cowater International
Funding: $10 million
Countries: Ghana
The project seeks to advance climate action, food security, and inclusive governance in Ghana, to improve the resilience of Ghanaian citizens – particularly women, girls, and marginalized groups – through investment in inclusive and gender-responsive climate adaptation initiatives. It aims to strengthen the enabling environment at the national and local levels while supporting women’s voices and involvement in policy decisions relating to climate change adaptation.

Project: Gender Equality and Women's Empowerment: Disaster Resilience in Latin America and the Caribbean
Partner: United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR)
Funding: $2.6 million
Regions: Latin America and the Caribbean
This project seeks to reduce climate and disaster risk in Latin America and the Caribbean. It will support the accelerated implementation of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030, ensuring that it incorporates a climate-smart, gender-responsive approach to foster greener, more sustainable, and more equitable communities. The project also seeks to improve climate-smart disaster prevention, including through more comprehensive disaster and climate risk management. 

Project: Women Leading Climate Action
Partner: Global Alliance for Green and Gender Action (GAGGA) consortium
Funding: Up to $11 million
Countries: GAGGA works in 28 countries: Burkina Faso, Bolivia, Brazil, Cameroon, Democratic Republic of Congo, El Salvador, Fiji, Ghana, Georgia, Guatemala, Honduras, India, Indonesia, Kenya, Mexico, Mongolia, Mozambique, Nepal, Nicaragua, Nigeria, Paraguay, Peru, Philippines, South Africa, Senegal, Tanzania, Uganda and Zimbabwe.
The Women Leading Climate Action initiative aims to address gender inequality and achieve environmental justice by empowering women-led groups and environmental, climate and women’s rights movement in Official Development Assistance-eligible countries in Africa, Asia, Europe, Latin America, and the Pacific, to influence key stakeholders to take urgent action to divest from fossil fuel industries, defend critical ecosystems, and support inclusive, sustainable and gender-just climate solutions. Funding from Global Affairs Canada will enable GAGGA to expand its activities to more countries.

Project: Canada’s intention to contribute an additional 700 million Special Drawing Rights to the International Monetary Fund’s Poverty Reduction and Growth Trust
Partner: International Monetary Fund
Funding: Equivalent to $1.3 billion
Countries: Global

Following the International Monetary Fund’s (IMF) 2021 Special Drawing Rights (SDR) allocation, Canada has been working closely with other G7 and G20 countries to channel US$100 billion, or 20 per cent of their newly allocated SDRs, to the benefit of vulnerable countries. Canada was among the first to complete its $1 billion contribution to IMF’s Poverty Reduction and Growth Trust (PRGT), which provides concessional lending to low-income countries, and a $2.4 billion contribution to the IMF’s Resilience and Sustainability Trust (RST), which helps countries address longer-term structural issues such as climate change. Canada is committed to do more to help increase access to finance for countries in need and intends to contribute an additional 700 million in SDRs (or about CAD$1.3 billion) to the PRGT. This brings Canada’s total SDR channeling commitment to these two IMF trusts to 25 per cent. Including Canada’s contributions to the IMF Administered Account for Ukraine, which provides SDRs to Ukraine, this brings Canada’s total SDR channeling commitments to 48 per cent.

Ocean protection

Project: Partnership with Joint Analytical Cell (JAC) to combat illegal, unregulated, and unreported fishing
Partner: Joint Analytical Cell (JAC)
Funding: $6.5 million
Illegal, unreported, and unregulated (IUU) fishing is a major contributor to declining fish stocks and marine ecosystem destruction. It represents up to 26 million tonnes of fish caught annually, valued up to $30 billion CAD. Under the Shared Ocean Fund of Canada’s Indo-Pacific Strategy, we are committed to partnering with the Joint Analytical Cell (JAC) by providing $6.5 million CAD over five years to combat IUU fishing. Funding will allow for the JAC and Canada to partner with countries in the Indo-Pacific region and deliver high-quality fisheries intelligence; build capacity for monitoring, control, surveillance, and enforcement; and strengthen access to data and technology.


Project: School Feeding and Community Resilience in Haiti
Partner: World Food Programme (WFP)
Funding: $45 million
Country: Haiti
The project aims to reduce child malnutrition, improve attendance and school success of schoolchildren by providing them with a daily nutritious meal to promote their school enrollment. The project also aims to increase income and longer-term resilience for smallholder farmers by sourcing local food from women farmers and smallholder entrepreneurs to support the creation of employment opportunities and build local capacities.

Project: Support to the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Basket Fund on Justice
Partner: UNDP
Funding: $3 million
Country: Haiti
This project funding aims to address the dysfunctions of the justice system in a comprehensive and holistic manner. It will work closely with legal entities, the Haitian National Police and civil society for the implementation of an anti-gang unit, a financial hub and a gender-based violence (GBV) unit. It will strengthen the capacities of legal actors to more strategically address endemic problems, including corruption.

Without a justice sector that meets the needs of the population, and an efficient and independent judicial system, efforts to restore security will not have the desired impact. This initiative therefore complements efforts to help stabilize the state, reduce crime and impoverishment, and strengthen the justice system.

Project: Dismantling Organized Crime
Partner: United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC)
Funding:  $4.9 million
Country: Haiti
This project funding aims to increase the Haitian Land Border Police (POLIFRONT)’s capacity to target criminal threats along Haiti’s border, such as by providing patrol vehicles, aerial surveillance assets and communications equipment, personal protective gear, and training to frontline officials.

Project: Building the Capacity of the Haitian Coast Guard and Navy
Partner: United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC)
Funding:  $6.15 million
Country: Haiti
This project funding will support efforts to equip and train the Haitian Coast Guard (HCG), which is part of the Haitian National Police (HNP), to enable them to continue to secure Haiti’s immediate port/maritime domain and improve their surveillance and operational response to gangs and criminal activity. Specifically, it will allow for the purchase of coast guard armoured vessels and rapid response boats, personal protective gear, maintenance equipment, and training to advance the HCG’s capacity to target criminal activity in the maritime domain.

Project: Increasing Social Cohesion and Countering Gang Violence in Haiti
Partner: Organisation of American States (OAS)
Funding: $14.7 million
Country: Haiti
This initiative will provide equipment and assistance to the Haitian National Police (HNP). This two-year project aims to strengthen the HNP’s community policing capacity and to work with community-based organizations to build community resilience to the impacts of gangs. The project will also support the refurbishing and rebuilding of HNP commissariats in communities affected by gang violence.

Sustainable Development Goals

Project: SUCCEED – Support to Senegal’s National Education Program (PAQUET-EF)
Partner: Ministry of National Education
Funding: $49.35 million
Country: Senegal
This initiative is a sector budget support (program-based approach) to the Government of Senegal in education. It supports the implementation of Senegal’s Program for Improving Quality, Equity and Transparency in Education and Training (PAQUET-EF). This Program aims to improve learning outcomes, strengthen the coverage, diversification and equity of the education and training system, and implement transparent and effective management of the sector. The objective is to ensure that boys and girls in Senegal, including the most vulnerable, can exercise their right to quality education.

Project: Eliminating Trachoma in the Americas
Partner: Pan American Health Organization (PAHO)
Funding: $15 million
Countries: Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Haiti, Mexico, Peru, Venezuela
Eliminate Trachoma as a public health problem in 10 countries of the Americas by strengthening health care systems. The project will increase access and demand for recommended SAFE interventions; including surgery, antibiotics, facial cleanliness and environmental improvements for populations living in vulnerable conditions, including women, children, hard-to-reach, and Indigenous populations. Ultimately, the initiative will save at least 5.6 million people at risk of visual impairment or blindness and support another 4.3 million people from contracting the illness and treating it by implementing sustainable interventions within the public health care systems

Project: Canada’s Support to TB REACH
Partner: Stop TB Partnership
Funding: $25.5 million
Area: Global
This project is helping to reduce the global burden of Tuberculosis (TB) by stimulating, supporting, and demonstrating novel and innovative approaches to expand early detection of TB, increase access to quality treatment, and improve TB treatment outcomes for vulnerable populations with limited access to health care. An estimated 110,000 cases of TB will be detected and treated during the lifetime of the project. TB REACH scales innovative solutions by providing fast-track, short-term funding to promising initiatives that demonstrate effectiveness and produce evidence required for integration and scale-up within National Strategic Plans.

Project: Making Markets Work
Partner: Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition
Funding: $7.6 million
Area: Global
The project aims to increase access of nutritious foods for vulnerable consumers in 10 countries across Africa and Asia. This will be carried out by supporting 10 governments in the development and implementation of their food system plans, and includes elevating the voices of women and youth in the design and decision-making throughout implementation; empowering low-income consumers to shape their food systems; mobilizing private sector financing; and aligning nutrition and environmental goals.

Project: Expanding Nutrients in Food Systems
Partner: International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) - Harvest Plus
Funding: $7.5 million
Area: Global
The project aims scale up and commercialize bio-fortified seeds and food to improve the nutrition security and livelihoods of vulnerable people, especially women of reproductive age, adolescent girls, and children (girls and boys) aged 6-59 months, in 5 countries. The project aims to reach 2.2 million households directly, who will access bio-fortified seed and consume nutritious foods.

Project: SheDecides Support for Advocacy on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR)
Partner: International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF)
Funding: $0.25 million
Area: Global
This project supports Canada’s advocacy for SRHR commitments by supporting SheDecides as a global advocacy platform to communicate, inform and expand rights based comprehensive SRHR priorities and approach, working closely with other global leaders, including youth.

Project: Generation Unlimited and Green Rising
Partner: Generation Unlimited (GenU)
Funding: $20 million
Area: Global
The Green Rising initiative is a youth-led initiative that aims to address climate change vulnerability. It will support youth to develop and deliver a youth-centered training program on climate change adaptation and mitigation strategies, including gender-responsive approaches. There will be a focus on gender equality through activities such as: training and capacity building programs for women and girls; mentorship and coaching programs to learn from leaders and develop leadership skills; creation of safe spaces to participate in advocacy, social mobilization, and policy dialogue; and encouraging and supporting the participation of women and girls in decision-making processes related to environmental protection and climate change adaptation to ensure that their voices are heard and perspectives considered.

GenU will help over 300 million youth, especially young women, in 89 countries access education, training, skills and opportunities for employment, entrepreneurship and social impact.

United Nations programming

Project: Institutional support to UNICEF
Partner: UNICEF
Funding: $16.2 million
Area: Global
Renewal of Canada’s un-earmarked Institutional Support to UNICEF for 2023. Canada’s support will contribute, along with other donors, to funding UNICEF’s core operations in 2023. UNICEF is a long-standing, trusted and important multilateral partner for Canada. Institutional support is critical to UNICEF’s viability and mandate delivery. UNICEF is a global leader in promoting and protecting children’s rights, and helping meet their basic needs in more than 190 countries. Canada’s funding will contribute to UNICEF’s core health, education, protection, and life-saving humanitarian activities for children who face increased vulnerabilities in developing countries, including humanitarian crises.

Project: Institutional support to United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA)
Partner: UNFPA
Funding: $15.6 million
Area: Global
Renewal of Canada’s un-earmarked institutional support to UNFPA for 2023. Canada’s support will contribute to funding UNFPA’s core operations in 2023. UNFPA is a long-standing, trusted and important multilateral partner for Canada. Institutional support is critical to UNFPA’s viability and mandate delivery. UNFPA’s work is central to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Project: Institutional support to United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN Women)
Partner: UN Women
Funding: $6.5 million
Area: Global
Renewal of Canada’s un-earmarked Institutional Support to UN Women for 2023.   Canada’s support will contribute to the UN Women’s core operations in 2023. UN Women is a long-standing, trusted and important multilateral partner for Canada, and institutional support is critical to UN Women’s viability and mandate delivery. A global champion for women and girls, UN Women assists Member States and the United Nations system to progress more effectively and efficiently towards the goal of achieving gender equality and the empowerment of women. UN Women focuses on integrated approaches to address the root causes of inequality and affect broader systems change, across four thematic areas: governance and participation in public life; economic empowerment; ending violence against women and girls; and women, peace and security, humanitarian action and disaster risk reduction.

Project: UNDP Institutional Support 2023
Partner: United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
Funding: $40 million
Renewal of Canada’s institutional support to UNDP for 2023.  Canada’s support will contribute to funding UNDP’s core operations in 2023. UNDP is a long-standing, trusted and important multilateral partner for Canada, and institutional support is critical to UNDP’s viability and mandate delivery. UNDP is the lead UN agency international development. Its leadership and expertise are critical to leaving no one behind, advancing gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls, and supporting national-led efforts to achieve the 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through policy and technical assistance. Its mandate is to end poverty and to build democratic governance, rule of law, and inclusive institutions.