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Today, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau met with the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Parliamentary Assembly delegation to the NATO Summit, in Washington, D.C., United States of America. Led by the Assembly’s President, Gerald Connolly, the delegation includes Members of Canada’s Parliament.

They condemned in the strongest possible terms Russia’s increased indiscriminate attacks on civilian populations and infrastructure and reaffirmed support to Ukraine. They also discussed shared priorities for this year’s NATO Summit, including bolstering defence and deterrence, enhancing industrial defence capacity and co-operation, as well as addressing other emerging security threats and challenges.

The Prime Minister and Members of Parliament highlighted Canada’s contributions to the Alliance, notably in reinforcing NATO’s eastern flank through Canada’s leadership as the Framework Nation to NATO’s multinational enhanced Forward Presence in Latvia. Prime Minister Trudeau reaffirmed Canada’s commitment to strengthening shared security priorities and increasing defence spending, as announced in Canada’s defence policy update, Our North, Strong and Free: A Renewed Vision for Canada’s Defence, which was released in April.

Prime Minister Trudeau, Members of Parliament, and the NATO Parliamentary Assembly underscored the importance of continuing to work together on key issues related to the Alliance’s security.

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