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Today, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau met with the President of Kenya, William Ruto, on the margins of the 79th Session of the United Nations (UN) General Assembly.

The two leaders discussed the situation in Haiti. Prime Minister Trudeau commended Kenya’s leadership of the UN-authorized Multinational Security Support mission (MSSM) and reiterated Canada’s commitment to working with Haiti, Kenya, and other international partners to support a successful mission. The leaders underlined the need for the international community to step up and provide much-needed support for the mission and agreed on the importance of re-establishing peace and security and holding free and fair elections in Haiti. The Prime Minister highlighted Canada’s ongoing efforts to support the MSSM, including its previous investment of over $86 million to provide direct assistance.

Prime Minister Trudeau and President Ruto agreed to remain in close contact and reaffirmed their commitment to strengthening bilateral relations and advancing common interests.

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